photos by Mike Norris

To provide some assistance with the unprecedented economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation supported community-based nonprofit organizations through emergency grants with its Southeastern San Diego COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund.

This fund began with matching funds from the Jacobs Family Foundation and the San Diego COVID-19 Community Response Fund at The San Diego Foundation to support eligible organizations in San Diego’s Diamond District that were stepping up to support others during the pandemic, including those serving food and providing educational services, transportation, senior support, mental health services and other emergency needs.

Southeastern San Diego has been and continues to be deeply affected by COVID-19 on a variety of levels, hurting and limiting businesses, families, schools, charities, recreational programs and more. The fund has awarded emergency grants to 33 nonprofits that serve Southeastern San Diego residents. In total, over $107,000 in funds, including $10,000 in personal protective equipment, has been awarded to community-based organizations, and more than 10,000 members of the community have been served with this fund.

The Southeastern San Diego COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund was made possible with funds from the San Diego COVID-19 Community Response Fund at The San Diego Foundation, Weil Family Foundation, San Diego Gas & Electric, the San Diego Firefighters Association and generous donations from individuals.